Monday, December 5, 2011

December 3rd, 2011 [Upstairs Room, Krishna's House, Male Patan, Pokhara, Nepal] Pain has a purpose

    Pain is not always a bad thing. Pain drives us to new hights away from itself, to seek pleasure in new areas beyond. Without pain or suffering there would be no reason to do anything. Pain is the base for any uncomfortable thing, be it physical or emotional. Pain is the source of all innovation. Necessity is not the mother of all invention. Intuition, experience, but above all a desire for change, a result of pain, are the necessary requirements for invention.
I should probably start, after my awesome introduction (lolz), with a definition of pain. Definitons are very important (I promise to write more about the importance of definitions later). Anyways, pain, I think, is any sort of undesired physical or psychological ( I think emotional can be considered under this umbrella term, right?) condition felt by an individual. This condition could be considered caused by any external or internal event with relation to the individual. Pain tells us that something is wrong and needs to change.
For example, you touch a hot stove and you feel pain in the form of heat damage to nerves on your finger. The resulting pain notifies you of the undesireable situation, a burn, and that action needs to be taken to remedy the situation, aka something is wrong and needs to change. You draw your finger back and change the situation for the better.
The previous example also gives rise to another dimension of the definiton of pain. Pain is a teacher. Pain turns events into experience. Without pain we would not grow wiser or smarter. We would continue to make the same mistakes and never move forward towards, well, anything. There would be no reason to live.
In this sense, pain can be said to be similar to black holes, especially the monsters that lurk in the center of galactic cores. They are deadly, nothing escapes them, everything is devoured, but, without a central core of immense gravity there would be no galaxies, no clumps of stars, no planets, really, no us. They keep galaxies together and structured. Pain is the same. Pain, keeps our lives in order, sets limits for tolerence and allows, paradoxically, a greater reason for living than living itself.
This brings us to an interesting phenomena, pain as pleasure. (Assuming that they are not mutually exclusive and that they are opposites, both, haha, will be covered in a later essay) The individual who seeks pain is not an exception to the rule of pleasure over pain because pleasure and pain are only abstract concepts that can and should be applied in a way that helps us to understand the subject under study, in a more complete fashion. In this specific case a reversal of the two concepts seems in order, that is, pain becomes pleasure and pleasure becomes pain. Notwithstanding the ambiguous change up, the concept remains clear. That pain is avoided, not in the physical, but in the abstract sense.
Pain is an importaint part of life. Without it we would not drive to higher ground. Also, we would probably die a hell of a lot more often. Really, pain keeps us alive. At least, pain makes us avoid the unberable parts and guides us to seek the pleasure in life.